About MRRJ
The Meherrin River Regional Jail is a state-of-the-art adult detention facility that serves three member jurisdictions: Brunswick County, Dinwiddie County, and Mecklenburg County. We have two facilities. Our main facility is located in Alberta, VA and has a housing capacity of 697 offenders and our satellite facility, located in Boydton, VA has a housing capacity for 80 offenders.
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The Meherrin River Regional Jail, which is a joint effort between Brunswick, Dinwiddie and Mecklenburg Counties, opened on July 1, 2012. The $52 million facility includes a satellite jail in Mecklenburg County and employs approximately 189 people, creating much needed jobs for the area.
The Meherrin River Regional Jail is located in the Alberta area of Brunswick County, Virginia. The facility consists of two buildings including a support building (administration, food service, laundry, intake and booking, medical, visitation, etc.) and a housing building (offender dormitories and cells, recreation, and security areas). In addition, a firearms range is located behind the Jail so that security employees can practice and qualify in marksmanship.
The Meherrin River Regional Jail Authority expressed the desire to incorporate high performance and sustainable strategies into the project. This project achieved certification under the U. S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification.
The 697-bed Meherrin River Regional Jail is located along U.S. Route 1 near Alberta. It houses both male and female offenders from Dinwiddie, Brunswick and Mecklenburg Counties. A Satellite Facility is located just off of Highway 58 in Boydton, VA and is an 115-bed facility for pre-trial and work release offenders. The Satellite Facility also houses male and female offenders.
Crystal Willett was appointed Superintendent of Meherrin River Regional Jail. She was originally hired by the Authority as the Finance Director of the Jail.

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