Offender Programs

The Meherrin River Regional Jail offers several programs for the offenders at MRRJ. The Programs Department continuously seeks new programs and services to provide for the offenders, as well as focusing on improving our existing programs. Thanks to volunteers and donations from Brunswick, Mecklenburg, and Dinwiddie counties, we are able to provide our offenders access to programs like: bible study, law library, general library, special education programs, anger management, social skills, substance abuse classes, and a GED program.


    The Meherrin River Regional Jail is seeking volunteers to assist in this area. The Chaplain directs the religious services to the offender population at Meherrin River Regional Jail. Services consist of both individual and group religious services. All of these services are granted as long as they fall within the accepted scope of security for the jail. To apply as a volunteer for the ministry program, please complete a volunteer application and email to All questions concerning the ministry program can be forwarded to Captain Booth at 434-949-6700 x222

    General Education Development Program

    The GED program is offered to any offenders who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate. Any offender scoring an 8th grade level or higher on an academic assessment test (TABE) will be accepted into the program. Once accepted into the program, participants will begin working towards receiving their GED in Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Language.

    Substance Abuse

    All offenders incarcerated at Meherrin River Regional Jail are eligible to participate in the substance abuse program. This eight week class is designed to provide education and support to offenders with drug and/or alcohol addictions. All of the facilitators for these groups have counseling experience and/or specific training.

    Anger Management

    A person’s inability to control their anger is a common factor in crimes. Helping offenders understand anger and learn how to deal with anger will help reduce aggressive behavior after release. Anger management classes are held weekly over a six week period.

    Life Skills

    Offenders participate in group sessions which last six weeks and receive a certificate upon completion of the program. Employment, credit history, credit cards, budgeting, resume writing, and information on education and college are all items discussed to prepare offenders for their release back into the community.


    To find out more about volunteer opportunities for any offender programs, please contact our Programs Technician at extension 411

    Offender Info


